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Cadence analysis
EM/IR analysis
PAC/PSS analysis
How to display Verilog-A model parameters in Cadence Virtuoso?
How to get rid of solder dot warning (intersection of 4 wires) in Cadence Virtuoso?
How to make wires thicker in Cadence Virtuoso?
How to renumber instances in Cadence Virtuoso?
Net naming tricks in Cadence Virtuoso
Useful hotkeys Cadence Virtuoso
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IC Layout Basics
Layout editor settings and tricks
Layout-Dependent Effects
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RLC-calculator for PCB trace
Simulation Hacks
Simulation Hacks
SKILL language
Setting Up SKILL IDE in Cadence Virtuoso Environment
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Schematic Design Materials
Analog-to-Digital Converter (ADC) Verilog-A model (any resolution)
Binary Counter Verilog-A model
Binary to Thermometer Encoder Verilog-A model
Comparator Verilog-A model
Decimal to Binary Encoder Verilog-A model
Decimal to Thermometer Encoder Verilog-A model
Digital-to-Analog Converter (DAC) Verilog-A model (any resolution)
High-pass filter (HPF) Verilog-A model
Level shifter Verilog-A model
Low-pass filter (LPF) Verilog-A model
Non-overlapping clock generator Verilog-A model
PWM generator Verilog-A model
Verilog-A block for saving simulation results to file
Voltage-controlled oscillator (VCO) Verilog-A model